Naomi and the albino kitty

"Soft Kitty"

Someone is going to want a cat later in life

Watch out Naomi!
(No humans were harmed during photography)

It's dinner time ... awwwe

Having fun with Winnie the Pooh balloons

Hit it Kenny!


Naomi's 2nd Birthday Cake

Turning on the Charm for Uncle Aaron

Aren't you just so cute!

Mmmmmm ... cake

Opening presents (sorry about the quality of this one ... very low light)

What a Blessed site!

Kirk's Cousin, James, at a game

Yay, go James!

The biggest mouth in the world on a three year old.

"Yay, mommy"


Nice card from Great Aunt Betty and Great Uncle Sam (and the kids)

That is going to be adorable in the winter

A shot you don't usual see of Naomi

Thank you 12x
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