Friday, January 21, 2005


Sorry you weren't here to see this with me Jennie. I really wish you were. I miss you.

It's really coming down now!

The snow was more like little clumps of balls this time.

Yeah, that is a real snow flake. I've never seen one that big before!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Christmas Pictures!

Well, here are the pictures for Christmas ... well, most of them anyway. I'm not writing specific captions for each picture because there are 44 of them. So, just sit back and simply enjoy the pictures.

Calvary Church in Charlotte, N.C.

That's a whole lot'a pipe organ.

The literal bowels of the church (well, almost).

This one's for Kevin ... by now you've noticed the PowerBook. Yep, just another shot to prove to your friends what the pro's use.

Bordom while I'm in the sound booth.

These two have to do with the fact that I've never seen a resturant let alone a kitchen that has passed inspection 100%. Nice job Calvary Church.

The wall of signatures of various band's that have played at Calvary Church.

Rebecca St. James' signature in Calvary Church's kitchen (for Kevin ... I know you're over her ; ) ).

And of course, Steven Curtis Chapman's.