Friday, February 25, 2005

Snow again!

It has snowed again in Viriginia and this time we got around 5-6 incehes of snow. Sorry you aren't here to see it Jennie = (

Overexposure Experiment

Friday, February 18, 2005

Valentine's Day Trip to Tennessee

This Valentine's Day I made a trip out to TN to spend some quality time with her. It also happened that my old roommate and good friend Mac's Birthday was on the day after. We all had a good time even though some unfortunate things happened (my car broke down on the way there, Jennie had a stomach virus or something and Mac got sick [which got me sick on the way back]). Over all, it was a great trip and welcome relaxation. Now, I can't wait to see Jennie again. Only two weeks till Spring Break!

Alma Mater

KUC housing, arguably the best cafeteria on campus and, not arguably, the slowest Post Office in the U.S..

Jennie at work

Cummings Hall where she works

Making cookies from scratch! She's one great baker!

Mac and me playing Texas Hold'em Poker for candy.

This kind of thing happens to us a lot ... we must be brothers (Mac: Apparently this is a draw and we split the winnings).

Part of the Science Building on campus in front of Mac's room.

The Breezeway in front of Mac's room.

Another interesting shot (to me)


Yes, my team FINALLY got to move a space!

Mac's Birthday Cakes with 24 candles ... guess how old he is.

An overexposed macro shot of the cake

The Cake in all it's flaming glory ... thankfully the smoke alarm didn't go off = )

This is the second time I've taken a picture catching someone else's flash.

And the pose because he blew the candles out too quickly for a sick man.

Mmmmmmm, it was quite delicous, again thanks to Jennie's wonderful baking!

Jennie's thinking this is not such a good shot. Too bad sweetheart, I love looking at you = )

The spot of the second water landing Mac has made. This time with a balsa wood rubber band
powered plane. He has an affinity (a natural attraction) to water.

Taking a picture while driving home. Yeah, yeah, I shouldn't have been but who could resist on a 10 hour drive?

Rear View

Doesn't do the view justice. It was quite a surreal site.

I don't know how I could be a better photographer while driving than I am when not.

The scary thing was this truck was driving straight.

The Blue Ridge

I stopped at one of the scenic highway stops to finally get some shots of the valley.

You don't see the slight pink in the sky that I did unfortunately.

Another one

That's more like it.

The sad thing is, the sunset was happening on the other side of the mountain, behind me.