Thursday, July 29, 2004


These are some old and new photos I've neglected to put up.  For the most part I hope you enjoy them, although the last one is likely to be the least favorite.

Beautiful Flower


Pre-Flight Check

Hanging Ominiously

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Summertime, Summertime, Sum, Sum, Summertime

Shelly and the kids were able to come up for the week to get away from Kirk so he could study for some things coming up at school. We had a pretty good time together and went back to the train station with Kenny for the third time. Everytime he comes up he asks to go see the "big train!" I think we've created a monster!  Ahhh well, we have loads of fun with them and him anyway.

The Fredericksburg Train Station

What do you think Buddy?

That's a looooong train!

Mmmm, a Carl's Milkshake

Future Church Organist

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Artist reflects on painting display

That's right, my father was in the newpaper.  Here is the article from The Free Lance Star.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Chancellor Baptist Church

Crooked Steeple


God's Work

McKenneth hard at work Posted by Hello

New iPod!

"... Computer users have discovered that its vast storage space makes it a useful vault for huge digital files—the makers of the "Lord of the Rings" movies used iPods to shuttle dailies from the set to the studio." - Newsweek 
How awesome is that? Very awesome I say (but not in the way God is awesome ... doesn't even come close).  The new iPod is slimmer and incorporates the 4 buttons (menu, play/pause, next and previous) into the scroll wheel itself a la iPod Mini.  It will also cost on $100 less for each version(40GB - $399 and 20GB - $299) and will have 50% better battery life (from 6 hours up to 12).  The only thing it is missing now is WiFi (not that the RIAA would let that happen ... unless it is encrypted, hmmm).

Read the new Newsweek articles: iPod Nation and The New iPod

Sunday, July 18, 2004

One of My Best Friends, Mac's, Niece

Mac's Niece, Elizabeth's Hand ... I only wish I could take credit for that incredible shot but that was all Mac. Posted by Hello

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Just for You ... (and Jennie if she'd have asked)

I put this up just for my sister who seems to be the only person who stays up later than I do. Time to go to bed Shelly ...
Dad being photographed for the Newspaper.


The Soderholm Studio ... the reason Dad was being photographed ... I designed the informational postcard. I'll get a better picture of it up when I have the time to take a better picture of it.

That's all for tonight

I should have gone to bed an hour ago and now I'm starting not to be tired (bad sign). Anyway, I think I've done enough posting for one day and I'll leave you all with more than enough quality, yes, quality pictures to download to your hearts content ... (ok, only God can make your heart content but you know what I mean Shelly and Kirk).

Kilroy and Misc.

I found this little gem at the WWII Memorial on the 2nd visit hidden to the side and behind the golden star wall.

Benches Train

Lincoln Memorial - Sky High Column

Lincoln himself

Couldn't resist

Self Portrait

An old collectible from years past Posted by Hello

The Kyle's visit

Aunt Ruth and Uncle Joe

Uncle Joe and (Great) Aunt Pat

Uncle Joe, (Great) Aunt Pat and Aunt Ruth

Aunt Ruth, (Great) Aunt Pat and Mom

Me (Aaron) and (Great) Aunt Pat

Mom and (Great) Aunt Pat

Aunt Ruth and Uncle Joe buying some patches Posted by Hello

Memorial Stars Tele Posted by Hello

World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial - Golden Stars

Iron Rope

Pane Macro

Drain Stars

World War II Memorial Posted by Hello

Friday, July 16, 2004

WebCam shot

Talking to Jennie on the phone. Posted by Hello

The Gann's Posted by Hello

The Gann's and the Plumber's Posted by Hello