Saturday, April 07, 2007

A dream, a camera and my Grandpa

I just woke up from a dream that I will hopefully never forget. It was of my grandpa who has been gone for some time now. I'm not sure how it started, because it was a pretty lengthy dream, but I just know that for a short time I was with him again.

I was staying at his house, in my dream a rather large estate, and was unpacking my camera bag when I stumbled upon my grandpa's old camera. I took it out and started to try to use it when the lens shaft expanded like a moving train. When all was said and done the shaft extended for some length curving left and right and ended in a bubble like lens. I couldn't figure out how this thing could take pictures but I did get the contraption to retract and shrink back down to it's original size. Then, all of a sudden, my grandpa rounded a corner of the house and walked up to me and took the camera.

He studied it carefully noting that I must have tried to use it because he could see scratches on it which meant that I expanded it wrong. Showing me how to do it properly, he expanded it near a busy bee hive that was behind the camera. Without saying a word he took off the back of the camera and pointed it to the hive, calmly saying to watch out for the bees. He gently took a picture and that, was that. I woke up.

The point is that I was able to spend just a few minutes with my gentle grandfather and I remembered him just the way he was. I decided to post this right after I woke up so I wouldn't forget this dream, a precious gift from God ... Thank You.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Seattle 07 - Part V

Having your flight cancelled really puts a damper on the day. Apparently the D.C. area got a bad enough snow and ice storm, which we would have to fly though, that the powers that be in their infinite wisdom decided to cancel all flights to the VA area. That includes Richmond and even Norfolk, which by the way was in the 40’s (Jennie’s father was there on business).

The good news was that we weren’t stranded at the airport like so many others. We were fortunate enough to have a bed and an excellent meal (her grandmother makes fantastic pork chops). It even gave me a chance to get some excellent photos of lake Burien, which is literally adjacent to her grandmother’s house. It was even during magic hour, the time when the sun is going down and makes everything look golden and gorgeous.

Overall, this trip was a good get-a-way from the traffic and congestion of the northern Virginia area. What’s great is that it really showed us how much we need to move. Sure we’ll miss our parents and good friends and especially evenings with the Tuesday Night Bible Study group but it’ll give us a chance to really get out on our own. To get away from the possible comfort of mom and dad being right around the corner when we need them will force us to be more than we are now ... and hopefully it’ll allow us to be better parents when the time comes.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Seattle 07 - Part IV

Now that I’m more rested I thought I’d share about an even that makes me appreciate life even more.

Back up on top of the green slopes I was about to make a right turn to continue my cautious decent, when a couple of skiers were right in front of me blocking my path. The problem is they were trying to squeeze between the trees and me. Think of it as a car speeding through a very red light as you are trying to make a right turn into an intersection. Suddenly I’m forced to make a hard right turn unexpectedly, which for a novice can lead to disaster.
I’m guessing you figuring out that nothing good came out of this encounter?


Soon after I turned I found myself gaining so much speed that I was unable to control myself. Jim and Joanie said that I was flying down the mountain so fast that when I rounded the corner I was gone, out of sight. What I saw was a blur of trees to both sides, and remembering how Sonny Bono left Earth I began to think I was royally screwed.

But, God had a different plan. Soon I found myself actually slowing down thanks to some much-appreciated placed inclined slopes. I was so ecstatic to have made a run like that without dieing or breaking a bone that I didn’t stop. I just kept going with a huge smile on my face, laughing hard and thanking God that I still had the chance to procreate.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Seattle 07 - Part III

Just waking up from a rather sound sleep really stinks; especially when I can’t raise myself out of bed or, as I just found out, turn my neck more than 10 degrees to either side. I had, what my Aunt-in-law Joanie calls, a “garage sale.” That happens when you take a spill on the slopes and lose every piece of equipment you are attached to, save the boots.

I had already taken a few runs down the green (easy) slopes when we decided to go one ski lift up to the top of the highest green slope, which I think is called Queens run. As anyone who has skied before can tell you, ordinarily, the hardest part of skiing is learning new terrain. Well, I was just about to find out how true that is. As my Uncle-in-law Jim started the run down the mountain I followed as usual with Joanie taking up the lead. I wasn’t doing too bad at first but then I hit a patch of icier than usual snow which was also badly marred by numerous other ski tracks making me completely buy it. All I really can remember is landing on my back pretty hard and sliding about 50 feet. I didn’t hurt at the time but I sure do now. Somebody get me a neck brace!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Seattle 07 - Part II

We’re about to go skiing at Crystal Mountain, arguably the states best ski resort, and I haven’t skied in at least 7 years; I just hope it’s like getting back on a bike.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Seattle Vacation 07

So I’m sitting here, some odd hundred feet up in the air, on a plane bound for Seattle, Washington for a much-needed vacation with my wife and something strange is happening.

For the past few hours I’ve been listening to United’s music channels (which, excitingly, is now XM) and watching the offered movies, Marie Antoinette & Man of the Year. All the while, Jennie is watching movies on her mother’s borrowed portable Sony DVD player (and falling asleep to them) when I noticed that the music I am listening to seems to be synching up with what she is watching, in particular Garfield the movie.

This isn’t something like The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the moon. No, I mean everything is spot on perfectly synched. For instance, as Garfield is waking up the music changes slightly to offer a more … discovery mood (if that makes sense). Soon after, he jumps on Jon (his master); this time the music changes dramatically to introduce a mood of surprise. That was the first time I noticed the oddness.

The second was at the end of Man of the Year in which the credits are playing. This time I had actually watched the movie (which is worth a rent) and switched to an XM channel slightly before the credits started rolling. The particular channel was playing as song by The Police called King of Pain. I thought it was interesting that this song could’ve easily been used as a movies end credit track and found myself wondering if I had switched to one of the plane’s movie dubbed channels instead of an XM one, as they are in order 1-18. Instead of doing the easy thing and switching back from channel 3 to 1 in order to find out if it was, indeed, one of the songs at the end of the movie, I decided to keep listening and see if it ended with the end of the credits or faded into another song as is usual for a film these days. To my astonishment, when the last credit rolled off the screen the music came to an abrupt but musically planned end (it didn’t just cut off in the middle).

Now, to any of you who have actually heard this song you know that there is a certain point in the song where this, in fact, does occur … just not at the end of it. So as I’m waiting in the few seconds of silence afforded to me by the song I am thinking, “I guess I am on a dubbed channel,” when suddenly, I get catapulted back into the song. What a wild vacation this is already turning out to be.

Oh and by the way, to any of you thinking of getting XM. It’s completely worth it even just for the classic rock channel. The DJ’s they have play the best music you never hear on traditional FM radio. Most songs I’ve never heard before and are excellent, plus the songs I do know they play at full length. It’s great for people who get bored with their music collection even if it’s 15GB.

My only compliant is that at a scant 128kbps some music reveals the low quality of the compression … anything with loud high strings or cymbals, or a synth playing in the very upper ranges of hearing, for instance. Still, for music you would’ve never known about, it’s justified, especially when most of the time you can’t tell.

Now, what IS the name of the song I’m listening to?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Honeymoon Part 2

Well, once again I've updated my blog to use Picasa Web Albums (a google service). This will allow me to upload a lot more and more often. Also, it allows you to see the full image size and has a slideshow function for a close to iPhoto feel.

So, without further ado, here is the Honeymoon Part 2 album that everyone has been pestering me to put up. Yes, I do love you all ; )

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Kids

Kenny & Naomi

To download click here.

Thought I'd try some video editing in iMovie HD (if you're using Windows you don't know what you're missing). Unfortunately the only place I could find to upload the file and did most everything I wanted was Google Video. It can be downloaded but you have to use their lame player. I'm still on the hunt for a site that'll let users download the original .mov file for great quality ... would be great but this video is a tad bit bigger than their 10MB limit for freeloaders like me = ) if only I could get 5 friends to use it ... then they'd upgrade my account for free! Check it out. Pretty neat service and it's the box to your upper right.

What I did find was that our smugmug account allows mpg files to be uploaded. Unfortunately it has to be mpeg-1 which is grossly outdated (DVD's use mpeg2 and the web standard is now mpeg4). This means lower quality and larger sizes but at least you can download an actual file and play it in almost any player (the one good thing about mpeg-1). So this is a win for those of you who want to save home movies (Kirk and Shelly ... hint). Anyway, enjoy. It took a lot of time to figure this out.

For those interested (maybe Kevin):

Original source .mov videos (3) -> iMovie HD (to edit) -> exported .dv file (same as mini DV cameras)

Exported .dv file -> FFmpegX (to convert to .mpg video and .mp2 audio) -> FFmpegX to mux (to join) .mpg video & .mp2 audio together -> Final .mpg file with both video and audio

What took so long to figure out:
1) To get a working .mpg video (without audio) I had to use the .dv source file and use the mpeg1 ffmpeg encoder with a video size of 352x240. Originally I was trying to use the native video size of 320x240. What I found out was that in order for players to recognize mpeg-1 I HAD to use 352x240 (go figure). Once I switched the video size I immediately got a working video file. Unfortunately I didn't have any working audio in the mpeg1 file.

2) For some reason FFmpegX refused to export the .dv or edited .mov to .mpg with the audio intact. It would always separate the two and give me two files (which it still does). From what I understand it's suppose to automatically combine the two. So what I ended up doing was choosing every combination I could think of until I finally found out that it needs the .dv file as the source and if I put .mp2, 224 bitrate, 48,000Hz sampling rate it would finally give me a .mp2 file quicktime would accept and play. For some reason it wouldn't work with the .mov source file.

Happy New Year!

Well, 4th Quarter is finally over so no more 10-12 hour days for me thankfully!!! Surprisingly I didn't get sick until the week after Christmas of which I'm still trying to get over. In fact, right now it's 4:38 in the morning and I'm up because I can't sleep (stupid steroids). Anyway, it's sad that for the first time in 6 weeks I have finally gotten two days off in a row (three actually) and it took me getting sick to get that! Wow, what an end to last year I had. I honestly hope I never work that much ever again as it was exhausting and took away most of the family time I had.

I sincerely hope last year was a good one for all and that this year will be fruitful.