Jennie and have applied at an apartment in town and the assistant manager, who has been helping me with the paperwork, thinks we'll have no problem getting in. I'm not as optimistic but you never know what God has in store. I have also been attending four Bible studies which are very good and, for the past two weeks, I have been teaching one of them. On top of that work and getting things on the wedding checklist done is exhausting me.
BUT, today I have finally have more energy (thanks to sleeping in an hour late ... oops) and have been taking more control over my job at work. I decided to tell my boss what roles my team members (employees) have and what roles I will have. I was sick and tired of being in this foggy place where I didn't really know what my role was. The funny is, it took an irrational district manager to get me to see where I need to be. So today I had the best workday I've had in a long, long time. I actually enjoyed it again = ) Praise your name on high Oh God!