Sunday, February 26, 2006

United States National Christmas Tree 2005

During Christmas we went to D.C. with Jennie's mom, dad and grandmother to see the National Christmas tree.

Sorry, that's the best shot I got.

Pretty ugly huh? Maybe they can try for more lights next year.

This is part of the train set that went around the tree.

This one is for Mac. ; )

Sorry these two didn't turn out that well.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sight & Sound Theatre

These are a few photos from the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (Amish Country). The play was amazing, I recommend it to anyone, the country was beautiful and the food (natural) was much better than the processed garbage we normally eat in the U.S. Can't wait to go back in April ... I just wish Jennie could come = (

After seeing how many good pictures (not counting the bad ones) I actually took, I'm amazed I took that many because my hands were more than numb by the time I finished. It ... was ... frigid!